Scorpio Season’s Magical Events

Scorpio Season is packed full of magic. There’s so much magic, I left out the astrology forecast from the Scorpio workbook to make room for Eclipse information. Below is the forecast that would have been in the workbook but it’s here for all of you to read. Enjoy, and remember to ride the waves of this season with courage and the inner strength to create the change you need right now. It’s all possible in Scorpio Season. 

Oct 23rd: Saturn stations direct in Aquarius
Saturn stations direct in Aquarius, encouraging us to take action around our responsibilities to the collective. If you have been contemplating your commitments these last few months, now is the time to decide where to place your focus and settle in. You may also feel some pressure to decide on plans. Make decisions without overthinking too much. Instead, if you feel how you want to move forward in your life, your path will reveal itself. Feel how your decisions affect not only you, but also those around you. When you commit your energy, it moves everything around you—and that can be a very good thing.

Oct 23rd: Venus enters Scorpio
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. Today she enters Scorpio's energy until November 15th, reminding us of the power of love and its ability to heal. Venus inspires compassion, and with Scorpio's energy, she grants us the opportunity to heal old wounds around femininity. Venus in Scorpio is a time to align with your wild feminine—untamed by the constructs of the world we live in. Feel the power of your femininity. Feel its ability to nurture, heal, inspire, create, and make you passionate about life.

Oct 28th: Jupiter enters Pisces
Jupiter re-enters Pisces while retrograde until December 20th. Jupiter in Pisces feels good to our entire system. This is a wonderful placement and has the potential to undo some of the trauma caused by the last two years. It’s a time to dream, feel, heal, and expand in all ways imaginable. This transit breaks the sky open for us to step into a new reality—one filled with hope and positivity.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It brings luck, abundance, and joy to everything it touches. Like attracts like in the world of energy. As we start to feel positive vibrations from Jupiter’s influence, we attract more positivity, building an infinite loop of good vibes all around. Jupiter also helps recognize opportunities in our lives—especially when it comes to growth. When we align with Jupiter, we grow past our perceived limitations and into our souls.

Pisces slows us down and reminds us to feel. In this feeling, we can access our intuition and feel our connection with the Universe. Pisces also brings us in touch with our dreams. It teaches us that we have the power to manifest any vision. We are everything in the Universe. Therefore, anything that exists is within our reach.

When Jupiter enters Pisces, it expands all energies associated with Pisces. Our attention is pulled inward, and there is a stillness to this transit. It is a potent time for self-reflection and self-inquiry, as our emotions are amplified. This transit will intensify all feelings, so we can clearly see what we carry with us and choose what we want to carry forward. It allows us to feel our pain, our grief, our joy, and our passions. Jupiter in Pisces brings our dreams and visions to the forefront of our minds, showing us what they feel like. We can also feel what emotions are limiting the full manifestation of our visions.

Lean into these energies as you enter the new year. Focus on what expands you and amplifies your positivity. What people, projects, and frequencies give you hope, inspire you, and align you with your dreams?

Oct 29th: Mercury enters Scorpio
Mercury, the planet of communication, enters the dark waters of Scorpio today until November 17th. Mercury in Scorpio encourages us to have conversations with the deepest parts of ourselves. This self-communication leads to understanding, and understanding leads to growth. Scorpio always brings our attention to our fears, and Mercury will help us ask questions of our fears. Where do they come from? Are they valid? And how can we shift them into trust? Dive into your most subconscious layers during this transit, but give yourself plenty of space to process what you find.

Oct 30th: Mars stations Retrograde in Gemini
On October 30th, Mars stations retrograde until January 12th, adding some spice to our fall vibes and our energy. Mars will be retrograde for two months, covering the Eclipse Season and the majority of Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn Season. Of all the planets that spin backwards in our sky, Mars is the one to be the most aware of- even more so than the dreaded Mercury retrograde. Mars Retrograde heats up everyone’s temper and can trigger even the most balanced person. During this retrograde, it feels like the world is on edge and could burst at any moment. 

It’s important to remember that this energy is occurring in the cosmos when dealing with just about anything or anyone. If you feel yourself becoming frustrated, take a deep breath and ask yourself the true source of your annoyance. Are your boundaries being crossed? Are you feeling impatient with yourself or others? Are you simply restless between adventures? This retrograde brings big energy and big feelings, take care of yourself. I'll pulled together more helpful tips for Mars Retrograde in Taurus here.

Nov 8th: Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (see the Taurus Workbook)
Lunar Eclipses are powerful gateways to create major changes in our lives. Release any stagnant energies, focus on the beauty of your life, and step into your future self with guidance from the Taurus Total Lunar Eclipse.

Nov 15th: Venus enters Sagittarius
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the fires of Sagittarius until December 9th. Venus in Sagittarius asks you to take risks for love. This may mean expressing your heart when it scares you or sharing your feelings when you don’t know how they will be received. It may also mean taking a leap when it comes to love. Allowing yourself to be in love can feel vulnerable and even scary. But you can’t be in love and in fear at the same time. This transit asks you to pick one.

Nov 17th: Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mercury enters the expansive vibrations of Sagittarius today until December 6th. Mercury's time in Sagittarius expands us through communication. It's a time to exchange energies with others and learn from them. In Sagittarius, Mercury provides the opportunity to process ideas and concepts at a rapid rate. Be open to new information and energetic downloads, and listen to others when they tell their stories.

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