Libra Season Astro-Forecast

Ushering in the beginning of “cuffing season,” Libra energy brings us back into balance every year. This often happens with a partner, but whether you’re in an intimate relationship or not, know that this season’s medicine tends to go down with a spoonful of honey. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Libra Season 2023.

September 29th: Full Moon in Aries

This Full Moon definitely has September going out with a bang. Because of an aspect this lunation is making with Uranus, it’s safe to expect the unexpected at the end of the month. Some people’s energies might boil over, while others will attempt to keep the peace.

Read more about how this intense Full Moon will impact you personally with the Aries Season Workbook.

Eclipse Season October 1st- November 3rd

While we experience eclipse season twice a year, every year, no two periods ever look the same. That’s especially true this year, because the nodes of the Moon changed signs this summer. Eclipses are when life’s events seem to unfold on a heightened and/or especially karmic timeline. 

Read more about how this eclipse season will impact you personally with the Libra Season Workbook.

October 4th: Mercury enters Libra

Mercury, finally direct and clear of its post-retrograde shadow period, enters Libra on October 4th. From now until October 22nd, when the planet departs for Scorpio, we’re all going to be trying our best to get along. In Libra, Mercury knows how to ensure everyone is heard. Fairness is the name of the game, and tact can go a long way in not only achieving what we want…but knowing what’s best for everyone involved. Take your time to weigh the pros and cons of any given situation.

October 6th: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer

The last quarter Moon in Cancer is an especially emotional place. This is the final phase of the Moon, and in its most comfortable watery realm…things are likely to be touchy. Release is both inherent to Cancerian energy, and supremely difficult. Whether you need to cry it out or take an extended bubble bath (or both, at the same time), trust yourself and the flow of your emotions.

This period can be thought of like a clearing ground before the New Moon eclipse in Libra next week. It’s important to unpack how you feel, not just how you look like you feel. Libra is preoccupied with aesthetic appearances, but Cancer energy wants to take things from skin deep to the depths of our soul. 

October 8th: Venus enters Virgo

Venus, the planet of beauty, relationships, and ultimately, our values, enters new territory this Libra season. This wouldn’t typically be big news, but the planet spent a whopping four months (June-September) in Leo this summer because of its retrograde. Now direct, and fully out of its shadow period, we will have a vastly different area of life being sweetened by Venus’ grace.

Venus in Virgo, while technically in its “fall,” has plenty of things to love. Any projects that require a critical eye will be improved by this energy: think editing a zine or color-coding your closet. This is also an especially discerning place for the planet of love, so if you find yourself trying to be the “perfect” partner, or setting unrealistic expectations for your amour, try to appreciate the beauty of imperfect details, rather than picking them apart.

October 10th: Pluto direct in Capricorn

The last few moments of this year are special in that Pluto, the ultimate planet of transformation, is experiencing its final moments in Capricorn. It first entered the sign back in 2009 and we’ve experienced a number of collective transformations in its wake. And while this is a generational planet, it’s also been influencing us personally over these many years.

This is an especially significant moment as Pluto won’t be at this degree of Capricorn ever again in our lifetimes. We’re finishing a cycle in the Capricorn area of our chart right now that we’ll be done with forever come this time next year.

With that said, the next few months are a beautiful period to acknowledge the deeply transformative area of life you’ve navigated since 2009. Here are a few thoughts to honor Pluto’s last moments in Capricorn, based on your rising sign:


Pluto is spending its last few months in your 10th house of career and you’re probably finalizing a very public rebrand. How have you evolved, publicly, over the past decade?  


Your beliefs have undergone a major rebirth process since 2009, as Pluto has been excavating your 9th house of higher learning. Meditate on your life’s philosophies and thank the journeys that helped you arrive.


Resources from other people have factored heavily for you the past decade. What have you been able to obtain thanks to your powerful connections? Letting go is another facet of this energy- what doors are you ready to close for good?


Pluto has been in your 7th house of one on one partnerships for more than a decade now, and it’s undoubtedly transformed your relationship with both yourself and other people. What have your intimate partnerships taught you?


Pluto is finishing its time in your 6th house of wellbeing. How have you learned to take care of yourself- physically, mentally, and emotionally, over the past decade? If your working life has also transformed, appreciate the shift in habits that got you there.


Pluto has been busy transforming your 5th house of creativity and romance. What have you learned about your inner-child since 2009? If you also have children of your own, how have they recreated your life?


Your home and family have been powerful forces in your life since 2009. Whether you’ve been unable to settle down long term or are living in a radically different way, honor your ancestors and how your paths are inherently linked.


Your neighborhood looks different than it did a decade ago. How have your perceptions radically changed, thanks to the people, places, and things nearby? As Pluto is your ruling planet in modern astrology, its movements are especially important for you.


Your finances have undergone a complete transformation since Pluto first entered this area of your chart back in 2009. Notice how your relationship to money has evolved and how it reflects your deepest values.


Sitting in  your first house of self, Pluto has been having an especially personal influence on you since 2009. How are you showing up differently in the world than before? How do you make your power known- to yourself and others?


Your intuition has been an immensely powerful tool for you since 2009, though it’s mostly been working behind the scenes. Think back on the synchronicities you’ve experienced and thank the invisible forces guiding your evolution.


Your friends and communities at large have been sources of power for you since 2009. They could’ve also taught you some difficult lessons about how you show up in the world. Where do you fit in society now? What have you contributed?

October 12th: Mars enters Scorpio

Things are going to get a lot more intense by this point of Libra season! After a month of Mars on its best behavior in Libra, and just a couple days before an eclipse, the dainty gloves are coming off. What have you learned about the balance, or lack thereof, in your relationships? Rather than keeping up appearances, we’re now all going to be more concerned with achieving our deepest desires. If you have a passion project that’s been needing some attention, attack it with vengeance. Mars in Scorpio goes the distance unapologetically.

October 21st: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn 

Now is the moment for a deep, cleansing breath! While eclipse season isn’t over yet, the first one has come and gone and we’re now in the liminal space between them. We’re creating something new at this point in the lunar cycle, and it’s possibly something we never would’ve imagined. This energy is extremely constructive and wants to support our long-term visions. Lean into what you can physically work with and trust that if you build it, they will come.

October 22nd: Mercury enters Scorpio

In the midst of eclipse season…our  communication is going to become a lot more powerful. While Mercury was in Libra we were all trying to play nice and keep up appearances. We wanted everyone to get along, and were generally amenable to our partners and friends. But by the end of Libra season, we’re going to be ready to say what we really think. This energy wants to get to the bottom of things and won’t be placated. This is a moment for deep dive research projects, murder mystery shows, and trusting our intuition over surface-level thinking.

Learn more about this Season and how to harness it's magic to help you find peace, harmony and higher frequency relationships in the Libra Season + Solar Eclipse Workbook

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