Exhaling with Fall

On Saturday, Sept 22nd 6:54 PM PDT the Sun will be directly in line with the Equator, giving us equal day and equal night. It is a beautiful merging of opposites when light meets dark and balance can be found. It also marks the beginning of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern, showing the polarity of our Earth and the cyclical nature of our universe. The rhythms of nature mirror our internal rhythms. If we choose to align with them, they can guide us in the constant evolution that is us.

The cycle begins with Spring. Those of you in the Southern Hemisphere are beginning anew, while those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are coming into Fall, a time of detoxification and gratitude. Spring brings us new energy, new ideas, and fresh starts. Summer asks us to be patient as we wait for our planted seeds to grow. Fall is the time of harvest when we give thanks for all we’ve received and let go of what is no longer of use. Winter then becomes a time of turning inward and restoration. Each season holds powerful energy for us to tap into and set intentions around, ones that will carry us through the next three months. These intentions also add to our Sun Seasons. The Fall Equinox ushers in Libra, followed by Scorpio, then Sagittarius. We can work with the energy of Fall in combination with the energy of these Sun seasons, adding to them and making them even more magical.

The Fall Equinox gives us a glimpse of where we may be out of alignment, or out of balance, in our lives. It can show us where energy needs to be shifted, starting with our relationships. It is a time to create equanimity in our unions and solidify them after the heat of summer. This is the gift of Libra, she brings our attention to our partnerships, right at the start of Fall. We have the choice to either let go of the relationships which are unbalanced beyond repair, or give thanks and nurture the ones that do fit our energy and life.

Libra evolves into Scorpio, which ushers in a period of inward contemplation resulting in transformative personal growth. Fall reminds us that what we let go of becomes fertilizer for new energy. As the leaves hit the ground they decompose, mirroring the cycle of life. This process shows us everything has its purpose, even endings. Aligned with Scorpio, we can release negative patterns and transform them into something else. We are also reminded during this period that gratitude is a key tool in transmutation. Throughout the Fall Season, shift your mind from scarcity to abundance. Be grateful for what spring and summer have brought you and now that this gratitude is part of your own fertilization process.

Our last Sun season of Fall is Sagittarius, a time to expand before the contraction of Winter. It is during this time of Autumn we seek out new truth and knowledge. Fall prepares us for a period of rest. We create balance, let go, give thanks and then build ourselves a container to explore for the next three months. During this final stage of Fall connect with new things, spread your roots, and fill yourself with new experiences. Know this material will nourish you over winter and will become fuel for a new cycle come Spring.

We start our journey this Saturday. Just as leaves begin to turn color, feel yourself shifting into a new space, a new season and a new energy. Sit with yourself and feel your center. Feel your core and recognize what throws you off balance. This can be a person, a thought, an action, or really any energy. Make a list of things you are allowing to drop. Know that you have the next three months to release these energies, but start to mentally shift your vibration into creating a reality without them. Burn your list as a symbolic expression of your resolve to let go. As you watch the words drift away in the smoke, set the intention for the energy to be made into something new, something aligned with your center.

Make a second list of your gratitudes. Write everything you are grateful for in your life. See the abundance that has been brought to you already, Instead of asking for more, honor what already is. Hold onto this list, keeping it in your notebook our place it under a crystal to help amply the energy (Quartz is a good one). Gratitude is a powerful tool when it comes from an authentic place. Feel into what you are truly grateful for and allow this energy to shift your vibration. Honoring our abundance in Fall creates a container for us to fill come Spring and attracts the energy we need for the next cycle.

Lastly, set some intentions for the next three months. These can be simple statements which call in the energy you need. They can be something like; “I am grateful” or “I am in balance.” They can also be detailed like; “I am open to releasing _____” or “I am ready for change”, or “I am ready for my perfect mate”. Be as creative as you like and be open to guidance from the universe.

Enjoy this season and her gifts. Fall is a beautiful mirror to our own process of release, allow it to show you the subtle art of letting go.

Image by Rebecca Reitz

Learn more about Fall's natural partner, Libra, in the Libra Workbook

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